Monday, February 1, 2010

Are you ready for the Super Roll!

Everywhere we go we find people excited about the NFL's coming Super Bowl. It seems that no one wants to miss the biggest football event. The excitement reminds me of the time when LaFollette High's couch, Al Rottela, was getting us ready for our bowl game. He said to us. To do your best in this Big Game you must remember three things: (1) When getting your big chance, do not forget the One who brought you to the dance. (2) We play better when we forget the fancy stuff and focus on what is elementary. (3) We have always been at our best when we put our personal goals secondary, and play as a family team.

Jesus prepared his team of disciples by telling them the story of a young super star leader who took his share of the family wealth and went out on his own. For some time he seemed to prosper, but then far away from his family everything he had invested in fell apart. Instead of fulfilling his dream of being a star in his own "Super Bowl" he became a homeless man in a meaningless "dirty role." Hope came for him when he remembered what he was been taught:

First, while eating with the pigs, "he came to his senses, and said, 'my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!'"

Second, he forgot the fancy stuff and focused on what is elementary, "I will set out and go back to my father." (Luke 15:18)

Third, he decided to no longer go it alone, but asked his father to accept him back on the family team. Couch Jesus told his disciples that the home coming was a wonderful event and the young man became in history, one who has played a "super role" for millions of us who have dreamed in being successful in life's "Super Bowl."

There is no doubt that when Jesus finished the teaching story, they remembered a previous event when they had been rejoicing with how successful they had been in their healing ministry. Jesus guided them by saying, "Do not try to get all your sense of joy from your successful achievements. The most lasting joy comes from knowing that you are part of the Father's family. Your names are written in Heaven's Book. Because you have joined with me, you are on the Father's "Super Roll." (paraphrase of Luke 10:20).

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