Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Contemporary God Issue

In Memory of the late G.K. Chesterton

No matter what you say, you cannot evade the God issue.
It is much more than crying in church and using up tissue.
Even the modern secularists and professing atheists are not exempt.
It is true! The God issue is not only for those who worship in church,
But for those, as well, who focus on God in contempt.
Both sides have leaders who are emotionally and intellectually involved,
As persons who have a calling; as ones who have been sent.
Both seem to be addicted with the God as an issue to be solved.
Some tend to camouflage their interest in God by faulting believers.
Yet, if there's no God, why are we concerned about God's non-achievers.
If you had no interest in their case, why are you giving them space?
A teacher from our past used to say,
Whether we like it or not we will talk about God today.

For some the subject is cheery; for others it is weary.
But the God issue is involved and can't be easily solved,
Whether we talk about pigs or the binomial theory,
We are still talking about the active Creator of all.
Now if Christianity be a fragment of metaphysical nonsense,
Invented by a few misled people with a false sense of call.
Then, of course, defending it will simply mean talking "spin,"
Metaphysical nonsense over and over again.
But if Christianity should happen to be true,
Then defending the Faith will mean talking,
About anything or everything, exciting and new.
Some issues can be irrelevant to the proposition that Christianity is false,
But nothing can be irrelevant to the proposition that Christianity is true.
Therefore, talking about God is not living with irrelevant views of the past.
The worship of idols, not being grounded in reality, does not last.
But contemporary persons of faith look at life from a whole different view.
In talking about and with God, they are climaxing the past into something new.
Because the prophet says, "The revealed God from the past is still with us,
Because the Word of all creation and redemption comes to us,
Not totally from experiences from the past, but also from out of the future too".

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